Flo's Y-Grayscale A Kaleidoscope Color Scheme by Florian Albrecht. Thanks for downloading and trying! ___About the scheme: This is one incarnation of my first round of color schemes, which started out as being AppleGrayscale variations sometime. As you can tell, this was some time ago. This scheme is designed to be used with at least 256 colors, it might be used with 16 colors, but it looks like crap in B&W. If somebody wants B&W support I may add it for a later version. ___Registration/Fee: This scheme is absolutely free, no money, no registration, even though I really would appreciate if you send me email. ___Bugs/Comments/Suggestions/… : mailto:florian.albrecht@usa.net ___Version History: 1.0 first public release to K design contest 30.Oktober 1997